Unicode security issues on PHP
The last 3 days I put some other things by side to work on this here: A couple of unicode issues on PHP and Firefox. As one can see, securing web applications is also about knowing and understanding how data...
SEO and Web Security since 2006
PHP / Schwachstellenanalyse / Sicherheit / sseq-lib
· von Erich Kachel · 23 Okt., 2009
The last 3 days I put some other things by side to work on this here: A couple of unicode issues on PHP and Firefox. As one can see, securing web applications is also about knowing and understanding how data...
· von Erich Kachel · 8 Apr., 2009
I’ve been working since 2007 to distill a simple method to prevent web applications to be threatened by insecure user input. Here I mean „Cross-Site-Scripting“ in special. After reading some books of well known security specialist, one thing seems sure:...